
     December is one of the busiest months of the year for most people, including me. I really have to keep track of my schedule so that I make sure that I have enough time for everything. I have Christmas parties for every friend group I am involved with, as well as Christmas concerts and shopping to do. The thing that helps me the most is staying organized. I put everything in my calendar in a different color as soon as I hear about it. That way I can prevent myself from double booking. I already had one instance where I was invited to my church’s Christmas program, but I am already going to a Christmas concert with my best friend. December is so tiring for me. I have so many things to do in so little time. My mother really helps me to keep track of everything and she does most of the Christmas shopping for my family. Even though December is busy, it is still one of my favorite months. I love Christmas, so the month leading up to it is really fun. I am just happy that we always go to the beach after Christmas so that I can relax after doing so much.
