Carolina Basketball

     One of my favorite things about winter is that it is basketball season. I love watching the Carolina Tar Heels play basketball. They are my favorite team. My mom is a Carolina fan, and my dad is a state fan, so I was always kind of in the middle. That changed a few years ago though. It was over Christmas break, and I was sick. I had a really bad stomach virus that stayed for almost two weeks. One thing I would do to keep my mind off of how bad I felt was to watch Carolina basketball. That was what really solidified them as my favorite team. I just love to watch basketball. I have been to a few of their games before and it is always fun. My whole family gathers together to watch their games, while my dad normally plays on his phone the whole time since he doesn’t like them. Watching the games is a great way for my family to connect with each other. It can get a little intense when they are losing, or the refs make a bad call. The whole family starts to scream at the tv, but it is still so fun being together, watching a game that we all love.

