Busch Gardens

    Back in April, I went on my senior trip with my class. It was a small school so there were only six of us going on the trip and we were all girls. On our last day of the trip, we went to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia. The weather was forecasted to be stormy and rainy all day so we didn’t know how much we would actually be able to get done. When we got there in the morning, it was a little cold and cloudy, but there wasn’t any rain. There were also very few people in the park. We went on several rides where we had no line and we got to ride them multiple times. Then, it started to warm up outside and the sun came out. It turned into a beautiful day and there was hardly anyone at the park. We went on every ride at least twice and some we didn’t even have to get off of. It was so much fun that day. We rode every ride that they had including one that had just opened up the month before we went. It really was the perfect day to end our senior trip.

The clock tower in the Germany section of Busch Gardens:
